
Weed A Garden On Chol Hamoed?

Nursery end of year picnic. Releasing the butterflies.

Nursery Graduation. You were all amazing and made us all so proud.


Caterpillar watch

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Wow what a busy week we have had, with Sports day kicking off the week. All the children enjoyed taking part in the different activities and receiving their medals. This week the children have been enjoying learning about mini beasts. They made creepy crawlies; went on a mini beast hunt and voted for their favourite bug. The children have been observing their caterpillars to see how much they have grown. The children really had a fantastic Forest school experience, they went on a bug hunt; built a den for some furry friends; used some new tools including a saw and drill; made natural necklaces and bracelets and most importantly had a great deal of fun! In Phonics, we have focused on the letters g and o and next week we will be looking at c/k and e, please encourage your children to sing the songs and make the actions. We are expecting some lovely weather next week, please apply sun cream to your child and send in their sunhats.

Our Week in pictures

Forest School

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We had great fun on our second Forest School adventure.

Some very hungry caterpillars!

We had such an amazing time at our first Sports day.

Saying our Bracha before eating our strawberries.

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Picking strawberries and homegrown lettuce


Forest School

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Forest School

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We had an amazing time at Forest School today.


This week the children have enjoyed learning about Shavuot. The children painted flowers in a variety of ways and with a variety of media; made flower crowns and some delicious cheesecake.

In Phonics we learnt the n and m sound please make sure to send in objects for our circle time. Next week on Tuesday we will be learning d and on Thursday we will introduce the g sound.

In PE the children have been preparing for Sports Day practising using a variety of equipment.

In Music we have begun learning songs for our End of year show, which will be on the morning of 5 th July.  Please can all parents who have not voted on the doodle  for their preferred date for our end of year picnic, please do so by this weekend.

Next week we will have our first Forest school session on Thursday, please ensure your children are dressed appropriately with the correct footwear and waterproof jacket.


Nursery Tikkun /Shavuot

Writing our own recipes in the mud kitchen.

Making play dough.

Grass heads



This week the children explored the Artists Jackson Pollock and Pablo Picasso, they used a variety of media to  create their own abstract pieces of art. The children listened to Jazz during their Music Lesson and we discussed how the music made us feel ; the children had the opportunity to accompany the music using a variety of instruments and movements. In P.E. the children continued practising for our upcoming sports day and were assessed on their physical ability. The children focussed on their throwing skills (including javelin, discus, balls) and jumping hurdles. In Phonics, the children learnt the sound p and i, after half term we will be learning n and m. Please encourage your children to tell you the sound, the action and sing the song corresponding to the new sounds learnt so far. We hope you have a lovely half- term and see you all in June.

Lag Ba'omer Picnic


This week the children learnt about the artists Kandinsky and Matisse, they made their own interpretation of Circles using a variety of media. They painted Matisse flowers and explored painting with scissors. This week in P.E. the children continued to prepare for our upcoming Sports day (17th June). In Jewish studies, the children learnt about Lag Ba'Omer and made colourful kites, heard stories and sang songs. Emphasising how to be a good friend and modelling friendly language . In Music, we played 'Statues' and musical chairs. In Phonics, we discussed the sounds, letters and actions we have learnt so far and encouraged the children to write the letters or words containing them.

Fizzy art



This week we continued our pirate theme;  the children designed and built pirate ships, made telescopes and constructed a pirate ship. During PE, the children practised their hurdle technique and javelin throwing as well as playing the 'Shark Attack' game. On Thursday we celebrated Yom Ha'atzmaut with Reception. The children waved flags, made hamsa hands, wrote notes to Hashem, painted the Kotel and made Israeli salad. The children also enjoyed a Stretch and Grow session with an Israeli theme. They learnt about the different muscles in our bodies and performed a variety of movements using them eg. Gluteus maximums, obliques, triceps, biceps, hamstring, calf and abdominals. Please ask your children to use them over the weekend! Please look at our key information page for upcoming important dates in the diary.

Yom Haatzmut


This week we began our Pirate theme. The children made treasure maps , telescopes and handprint pirate paintings. We taught the children some pirate themed tunes and played an action game. Please can all children come in in blue and white on Thursday for Yom Haatzmut  and could each child bring a pound.We would like to remind parents that all boys need to wear a kosher Tzitzit when at school. In P.E. the children practised using a javelin and were introduced to hurdles. In Jewish studies the children learnt about Lag b'omer and made handprint bonfires. The children were told the story of Rabbi Akiva and l learnt the importance of loving our friends the way we love ourselves.


We have had such a lovely Spring term! This week, we continued preparing for Pesach. The children completed their Pesach counting books and made "matza" crowns. We were delighted that so many parents were able to join us for our Pesach workshop. We had so much fun! The children loved joining in with the activities and songs. We would like to thank you for your generosity in supporting our EYU sale of school-grown vegetables and flowers. The children helped to plant, water and harvest all our produce as well as making the signs and preparing the stalls. We raised over £100, thank you! The children really enjoy our weekly gardening sessions, and this week they had the fantastic opportunity of seeing the "fruits of their labour" and to feel rightly proud of their achievements. Please do send in photographs of you and your children using the produce to prepare meals. Wishing you all a wonderful Pesach.

Harvesting and selling our vegetables

Nursery Seder

Rhyming and alliteration games on Busy things

5th April 2019

This week the children have continued to learn about Pesach. The children had the opportunity to try Pesach foods that we eat at a Seder. They made and baked their own matzah. In Phonics, we looked at oral blending and segmentation of CVC words eg. Cat is c-a-t and p-e-n is pen.  We are still reinforcing the concept of rhyme and alliteration in order to consolidate these concepts. In P.E. the children were preparing for our Summer Term sports day and the children practised throwing javelin, beanbags and discus, running skills and the game rocket ships. In Maths, we have been encouraging the children to practise their counting skills and number recognition by playing games such as bingo, ten green bottles and snakes and ladders.

In Music, the children have been learning Pesach songs including Ma Nishtana.

Oral Segmentation and Oral Blending

Using are home grown veg to make salad.

Making Matzah

This week learning about Pesach


This week the children began our Pesach topic; they made Matza rubbings, searched for chametz using their

bidichet chometz sets and learnt about the 10 plagues of Egypt. We also sewed our own Afikomen bags. We  also explored colour mixing, the children did plate twisting and scrape painting. This week we were looking for bugs and insects in the garden and did some garden maintenance by weeding our flowerbeds. The children made rainbow mud cakes in the mud kitchen. In Music, the children sang and learnt Pesach songs.

29th March

25th March



This week we celebrated Purim. The children looked amazing in their costumes and enjoyed our Purim play. They decorated their mischloach manot boxes and handed them to their friends. We also heard an abridged version of the Megillah by Rabbi Guttentag. The children enjoyed making hamantaschen too.

In Jewish studies with Mrs Stalick, the children enjoyed making greggors and reinacted the Purim story.

In PE, we had our first session in the park. From now on we will be having P.E. in the park, and therefore please ensure all children are dropped at the Norrice Lea site. If bad weather is forecast, we will inform by email of any changes to the drop off arrangements by 8am on a Wednesday. This week the children were practising their javelin, discus, and throwing skills.

In Music, we sang Purim songs.

21st March- Purim

18th March



This week the children have all enjoyed learning about Purim. We have created puppets for the children to take home and made Hamantaschen and Purim masks. In the afternoons, we continued our Number topic and the children created pictures using different numerals. In Phonics, we discussed alliteration and looked at word patterns.

In P.E. we introduced some new games called 'bamboozle' and 'spiderman' ; which incorporated running to stand  next to a cone and a form of the game 'tag'- in which the children had to catch someone who was not wearing a bib.

Please note that next week we would to encourage the children to dress up for Purim on Thursday 21st March and we will be finishing at 12:15 pm on this date.

100 days of school


This week we had a busy week learning about the numbers 8 and 9. In the afternoons we read the story of the Billy Goats Gruff and made some 'paper plate' goats and used comparative language to discuss size and we ordered objects. On Friday, we celebrated 100 days at school and we loved seeing all the children aged 100! In celebration, we enjoyed a variety of crafts relating to the number 100; including cheerio necklaces, glasses and collages. The children strutted their elderly stuff down the catwalk! Please see the photographs below.

In Jewish studies, we learnt about the different brachot we say on different foods. The children individually made the Cohen Gadol's breastplate and learnt about the twelve tribes.

During PE we went travelling! The children selected the countries they wished to visit and role-played travelling on a plane and acting out being animals from the countries they visited. Then the children practised their football skills with an emphasis on 'little kicks' and ball control.


This week we have all enjoyed preparing for Shabbat UK. The children have made a variety of crafts relating to Shabbat and they each made a beautiful Havdalah set to take home and use. Thank you all for coming in to help you children make their candles - we had some amazing designs from tigers to dragons. Please make sure you use them carefully and safely.

On Friday, the children plaited challah to bake at home. Please brush with egg and bake for 10-15 mins until golden brown at 200C, please send in some photographs of your children carefully baking their challah rolls with adult supervision, of course.

In Phonics we have been focusing on rhyming games and we introduced the game

'Silly Soup'. Many children are struggling with this concept and we would like you to encourage them to notice and make rhymes at home.

In P.E. the children had to manoeuvre through an obstacle course including jumping, hopping and hoop skills.


This week the children enjoyed Book Week at the EYU. They were all delighted to be welcomed by our Space themed-entrance hall. The children listened to the story 'Whatever Next' and enjoyed a variety of activities linked to Space. The children made paper mache planets and rocket paintings. We learnt about the solar system and each of the planets. Our music lesson this week was on the theme of Space, we listened to Holst's 'The Planets' and discussed how each piece made us feel. In P.E. the children played musical statues and played a traffic light game involving moving at different speeds. We also played a colour recognition game using hoops and played a new game called Musical Bumps.

Just a reminder that we will be inviting parents in to make a Havdalah kit with your child, at 9 am Tuesday 26th February. Due to restrictions in space, we have to restrict to one parent per child thank you for your understanding. Could we please ask parents to send in items for Junk Modelling e.g. kitchen rolls, cardboard boxes...etc.

Today we were so impressed by all the amazing outfits the children produced with your help! We had a fashion show where the children moonwalked down the catwalk and all children attended our Astronaut Academy. This included tasting dehydrated foods, a fix-it station and dot-to-dot constellations. We hope you all have a wonderful half-term. Please do send us a postcard from your travels.

This week the children continued our Number topic, we looked at the numbers; five, six and seven and the 2D shapes; pentagon, hexagon and heptagon. If you find any of these shapes at home or in your surroundings, please send in a picture of your child with the shape they found.

In Phonics, we focused on differentiating between various sounds and played the game Noisy Neighbour.

In Jewish Studies, we learnt all about the very special Mitzvah of giving Tzedakah, just like the Bnei Yisrael contributed to the building of the Mishkan. The children then decorated a Tzedakah pot with coin rubbings.

In PE  the children played a treasure hunt game, searching for hidden cones and placing in hoops.They ended with a game of Musical Statues.

In Music the children sang a variety of nursery rhymes and played Sleeping Lions.

Please can you send in items for junk modelling e.g. kitchen roll tubes, cardboard boxes, tissue boxes.

Just to clarify, next week our theme for Book Week is the story 'Whatever Next'. The story is about a bear planning and making a rocket ship and going to the moon. On Friday all children should come dressed in a homemade costume within the theme of this book -  if possible an astronaut!

Next week on Thursday morning all children will need to be dropped off at the Norrice Lea site as we will be participating in some special activities with Year 5.

If you cannot attend a Wednesday library session for which you have volunteered, please let your class representative know as soon as possible so they can fill in the space. Library books need to be returned every Wednesday.

Please send in any spare clothes your children have borrowed and ensure your child's bag has a full set of spare clothes. Thank you.

Fun in the snow

Nursery Week 17(01/02/19)

This week the children continued our topic on Number, the children practised their counting skills, number recognition and writing and representing number in a variety of ways. Please encourage your children to look for numbers in their surroundings. Please send in your photos of any numbers you find. In the afternoons we looked at the nursery rhymes Incy wincy spider and Humpty Dumpty , the children really enjoyed our 'Eggciting Eggsperiment!' Please ask them whether their Humpty cracked or not.

In this week's Parasha, Parashat Mishpatim, the children learnt about how we keep meaty and milky foods separate and made a fridge craft to explain the two.

In Music this week the children sang some counting songs and performed actions to pieces of music.

In P.E. the children had to follow a rhythm led by the teacher on a tambourine, focusing on tempo. The children learnt how to go over, under and jump a hurdle. finishing the session with a game of Shark Attack.

For Book week we will be looking at the book 'Whatever Next' and we would like all the children in Nursery to make their own homemade costume as we  will be a having a competition for best costume on 15th February.

We will be inviting parents for a Havdalah workshop at 9 am on Thursday 28th February, as part of our celebrations for Shabbat UK.

On Friday 8th March we will be celebrating 100 days of school and we would like all children to dress-up as though they were 100 years old.

Humpty Dumpty



Nursery Week 16(21/01/19)

This week the children celebrated Tu B'Shevat at the EYU , we painted finger print trees, had a fruit party and decorated plant pots and sowed some seeds which they took home.  The rest of the week we began our topic on Number, the children practised their counting skills, number recognition and writing and representing number in a variety of ways. PLease encourage your children to look for numbers in their surroundings. Please send in your photos of any numbers you find.  On Friday we collected tzedakah for Jewish Child's Day, thank you for your generous contributions.

In this week's Parasha, Parashaf Yitro, Bnei Yisrael stood at Har Sinai and received the Luchot- 10 Commandments. The children have made their own Luchot.

In Music this week the children sang some counting songs and put a piece of music to the Snow White fairy tale.

In P.E. the children had to follow a rhythm led by the teacher on a tambourine, using a variety of movements including jumping like rabbits and roaring like lions. The children also the firework game using cones and ended the session with Shark Attack.

Tu B'Shevat

Belly dancing

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Puppet show

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Nursery Week 15(14/01/19)

This week the children continued their travels across the globe we visited France , we went sightseeing and saw some of the famous sights including the Eiffel Tower. We looked at a famous painting by Claude Monet and recreated it using a variety of media including paint and a variety of paper. Our next stop was Israel where we learnt some belly dancing, we would like to thank Ms Shamash for teaching us some interesting moves. In the afternoons we painted some pictures of fruits in preparation for Tu B'Shevat, we have some very creative children!

In Jewish studies this week, for our Parasha craft, the children made their own version of Miriam's tambourine from Parashat Beshalach. The Jewish people were so thankful to Hashem for creating the miracle of splitting the Yam Suf, The Reed Sea.  As soon as the Jewish people had all crossed safely, they burst into song and dance to show their appreciation.

In Music, the children sang some French songs and nursery rhymes.

In P.E. the children ran an obstacle course using a variety of equipment including hoops and cones.

Nursery Week 14(7/01/19)

This week the children started our 'All Around the World' topic. They travelled to India and Australia and enjoyed getting their passports and tickets. In India the children painted with spices and made coconut barfi sweets and listened to some Indian music. In Australia the children heard a didgeridoo and made a rainstick and aboriginal art. We look forward to continuing our travels our next destination is France, if you have any French stories and would like to come and share them with the class please let us know. We have sent the children home with their passports please add a photograph or picture of your child inside.

In Ivrit the children went over family voacabulary e.g. Aba, Ima, Saftah, Sabah and discussed the weather and season.

This week the children learnt about the ten plagues of Egypt in our Parashat lesson and made a darkness and light plate craft.

In  PE this week the children practised moving in a variety of ways and throwing skills , seeing how many cones they could hit by rolling a ball. They practised our new game called statues. They moved in a variety of ways, including skipping and hopping.

All around the world



Nursery Week 12(7/12/18)

This week the children celebrated Chanukah. They played the dreidel game, iced donuts, constructed vegetable chanukiot and enjoyed a session of Stretch and Grow. Every day we joined Reception to light a candle on our menorah and sing some Chanukah songs. We have been busy practising for our show and the children really know their lyrics, perhaps you can encourage them to give you a preview.

In Ivrit the children went over family voacabulary e.g. Aba, Ima, Saftah, Sabah and discussed the weather and season.

In  PE this week the children practised their bowling skills, seeing how many cones they could hit by rolling a ball. They were introduced to a new game called statues. They moved in a variety of ways, including skipping and hopping.The session was finished off with a game of 'Shark Attack'.

Please note that next week the children must be dropped off at the Norrice Lea site on Monday 10th December at 8.45am for our show. We would like to make a prompt start at 9 am. Children will be collected from the EYU as usual.

Stretch and Grow

Making Vegetable Chanukiah 4/12/18


Nursery Week 11 (30/11/18)

This week the children continued our Chanukah topic. They painted their chanukiot and finished their chanukah cards. Ahead of Thursday's trip, the children were read the story of 'Room on the Broom'. Everyone had a wonderful time at the show. Thank you to all the parents who joined us.

In  PE this week the children played 'Flying objects' and 'Frying pan'. These games teach the childen spatial awareness and help develop their throwing skills.  The session was finished off with a game of 'Shark Attack'.

Please note that next week the children must be dropped off at the Norrice Lea site on Thursday 6th December at 8.55 am for our rehearsal. Collection will be at the EYU as usual.

Room on the broom

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The children went to see the theatre show 'Room on the Broom'.

Favourite character

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Favourite part

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Favourite character

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Room on the broom.

Still image for this video


27/11/18 at Nursery

Red Class on their listening walk.

Trying our homegrown lettuce.

This week in pictures

Nursery Week 10 (23/11/18)

This week the children began our Chanukah topic the children made a variety Chanukah crafts. We would like to thank all the parents for coming in to make clay chanukiah with the children it is always such a lovely experience and we are always amazed by your efforts. In our gardening session this week the children made bird feeders.

In P.E. the children practised their movement and balancing skills.

This week in Music the children practised for our show and completed actions to accompany a piece of music.

In Phonics the children played listening games and we had a listening walk. We also played a game to find letters in our names.

Nursery Week 9 (16/11/18)

This week the children began continued our Autumn theme. We all went on an Autumn walk to the local park and enjoyed collecting autumn items. We would like to thank all the parents who joined us.The children used these items to create amazing pictures. The children also made leaf print paintings; autumn tree hand prints and clay leaf prints. On Friday we celebrated Mitzvah Day, we discussed what a Mitzvah is and made tissue boxes for a women's shelter, biscuits for Noah's Ark volunteers and upcycled some furniture for the Mental Health charity JAMI. The furniture will be going on sale in Headroom in the near future!! In Ivrit the children learnt about


Alim Noshrim-leaves are falling down off the trees

and sang a song about the season of Stav.

In PE this week the children developed their agility by working in teams to collect balls and cones in a relay, with the added challenge of having to change direction.We ended our lesson with a game of Shark Attack.

In Music the children have been practising the songs for our Chanukah show at the end of term.

In Jewish studies the children heard the story of Yaakov's dream and drew angels and a made a ladder out of matchsticks.

Pictures this week

Nursery Week 7 (26/10/18)

This week the children have continued the 'All about me' theme we painted life size portraits and  discussed the parts of our bodies. We  made special mirrors and discussed how everyone's fingerprints were different. In Gardening, we planted seeds for our indoor garden and we would like to thank all the parent volunteers. We also introduced the children to some parachute games. This week's Parasha was Vayera and the children decorated a welcome sign for their homes. In Music the children explored moving in different ways to different styles of music, from fluttering butterflies to stomping elephants. We cant believe that it is half-term already and wish you all a lovely break. Please send in a postcard regardless of whether you travel abroad for the holidays or not so we can share our holiday news on our return.

Nursery Week 6 (19/10/18)


This week the children started our All About Me topic. The children painted beautiful self-portraits and cut and counted the letters in their names. We discussed how we are all different shapes, sizes and colours and learnt some body part action songs. This weeks Parasha was Lech Lecha and the children packed their suitcase ready to move home. In PE the children practised their throwing skills and played a game of Shark Attack. In Music this week the children sang and performed movements to their favourite nursery rhymes.

Helpers required

On Thursday25th October we will be planting seeds between 10.30am-11.45am. If you are able to help then please let your child's teacher know. The children need to bring in a container with drainage holes to plant their seeds in.

On the morning of15th November, we will be going for an Autumn Walk. In order to go on the walk we will need at least 6 helpers per class. If you are able to help then please let your child's teacher know. We will aim to be back by 10.15am

Over the next few weeks we have some very exciting gardening plans and require the following items;

Interesting and beautiful leaves.

Spare clothes for our scarecrow e.g. Dungarees, Men's shirts.

Old wellington boots.

We are very proud of the EYU and are sure you are too so please tell your family and friends about our upcoming open morning on Tuesday 23rd October 9.00-10.30 am.

This week's pictures

Nursery Week 5 (12/10/18)

This week the children learned about Parashat Noach .  They made animal hand prints and constructed a large ark and painted a beautiful rainbow. This was our first full week of school and the children really benefited from the routine.

In the afternoons we discussed an Under the Sea theme introducing the children to underwater animals and playing a guessing game. In P.E. the children were taught how to throw a javelin and run across an obstacle course. Our gardening programme is in full swing and we have been busy planting a variety of edible plants.  All the children have been helping and we definitely have some budding gardeners.

Please can you look at the Inclusion section to find further information about their child's physical development and ways to support them at home. Please use this link to help you:

In Ivrit this week the children learnt the word 'matos' - aeroplane,

which takes us to Israel - and to Morah Aviva's Ivrit lesson.

The children also learnt the greetings Shalom- hello and goodbye as well as Boker Tov - good morning.

We spoke about the weather and introduced the vocabulary Ananim-clouds and Shemesh-sunshine.

Nursery Week 4 (5/10/18)

This week the children learnt about Parasha Bereshit, we discussed that Hashem created the world over six days and rested on the 7th Day. The children made paper plate crafts to represent each day of creation. This week the children stayed a full day and have really begun to settle into this extended Nursery day.

This week the children enjoyed exploring the outdoor area and were enthusiastic participants in our gardening programme. They helped tidy the garden by picking up autumn leaves, removing plants and watering and preparation for planting  next week.

Nursery Week 3 (28/09/18)

This week the children enjoyed  celebrating Succot at school and we all had a special lunch in our Succah. We enjoyed visiting the Hirschfield and Friedman families and we would like to thank them for their kind hospitality. We continued to discuss Succot and the children also learnt about Simchat Torah and made special flags to celebrate the occasion. This week we also took part in the whole school Artishrei project and looked at a piece of art by an  Israeli artist,  and created our own  version of it.

In honour of Artishrei, we have launched a whole school Art Competition. We would love as many children as possible to enter. The children can work alone or with others to create a piece of artwork entitled 'New Beginnings'. They can use any medium and there will be prizes for the winning entries!

From next week, Wednesday 3rd October the children will be staying the whole day and finish at 3.25pm ( afternoon children).

Please note our Autumn walk will be on the morning of 15th November we will be asking for parent volunteers to join us. If you are able to join us please email your class teacher.

Nursery Week 2 (21/09/18)

This week the children have been preparing for Succot. We have spoken about the purpose of a Succah and showed the children a Lulav and Etrog and how to shake the Lulav (using positional language e.g north & south). The children have constructed their own Succahs in a variety of media and made a drawing of who is in their Succah to take home. The children also made Succah decorations.

We have now begun our gardening programme and would appreciate donations of empty 2l plastic bottles, as well as large and small plastic plant pots. If you would like to help with gardening please let your teacher know. The gardening session runs every Thursday from 10.30 am to 12.00 pm.

Next week we will be going on our Succah crawls. On Thursday, could all nursery children be dropped off at the main school, Norrice Lea site at 8.55am.

Just to clarify all children will be dismissed from the main door Monday -Thursday both at lunchtime and at the end of the day. On Fridays, they will be dismissed from separate doors ( Red class - main door, Green class - side door).

Please make sure children bring in appropriate waterproofs and outerwear ie. boots, coats, spare clothes so that the children can enjoy the outdoor area in all weather conditions. Please ensure your child has a jumper and trainers to wear.

This week in Jewish Studies (21/09) :

This week we learnt about the festival of Sukkot. We watched Ismael (the caretaker at the EYU) finish building the EYU Sukkah and adding a table so we can eat our snack and lunch in the Sukkah on Chol Hamoed.

We learnt about the Arba Minim (Lulav and Etrog)  and learnt a fun song:

Did you ever shake a Lulav (TTO: Did you ever see a lassie)

Did you ever shake a lulav, a lulav, a lulav?

Did you ever shake a lulav on Sukkot day?

We shake it forwards and backwards,

upwards and downwards,

right and left.

Did you ever shake a lulav on Sukkot day?

Here's something fun to watch about Sukkot to get into the Sukkot spirit!

Nursery Week 1 (14/09/18)

This week the children have been introduced to the idea of Yom Kippur. We have spoken about the story of 'Yonah and the big fish', and about how we treat others, sharing our toys and being helpful to all of the people around us. We made a big fish, with Yonah clearly shown in its tummy, which the children will be able to use to act out the story. The children also baked some 'Big fish' biscuits.

This week we had our first Gardening session. The children really enjoyed the scavenger hunt and familiarizing themselves with all the wonderful things that can be found in our garden. We encourage you to continue searching for fascinating things found in the outdoors and welcome the children to bring in what they discover.

Our Week in Nursery

This week in Jewish Studies (14/09):

We have begun learning about Yom Kippur; how it is observed and the significance of the day. We learned about the Story of Yonah and the Big Fish.

Here's something fun to watch to get you thinking about Yom Kippur: click here

Weed A Garden On Chol Hamoed?


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