
How Old Is Io From Place To Place The Anime

Place to Place (あっちこっち, Acchi Kocchi) is a seinen Slice of Life yonkoma manga written and illustrated by Ishiki, which began serialization in Manga Time Kirara in 2006. It was adapted into a 13-episode anime series during the Leap 2012 Anime season.

This serial follows a group of five kickoff-twelvemonth best friends going from place to identify. The interaction between the cat-like Tsumiki Miniwa and the stoic Io Otonashi, her best friend and longtime crush, drives a lot of the plot. With them, the ditzy Hime Haruno, excitable Mayoi Katase, and goofball Sakaki Inui add together their own flairs to the group.

The common is frequently extraordinary - whether it's a game of kick-the-tin, air hockey, or frisbee, home economic science class, or a walk home. Slapstick, nosebleeds, and cat references are nearly constant and extremely beautiful. The serial is one big WAFF-inducing cutefest punctuated by jokes and taken Up to Eleven.

The serial is currently bachelor to stream online in the The states via Hulu.

This work contains examples of:

  • The Ace: Tsumiki and Io (in general), Mayoi (technology).
  • A-Cup Angst: Tsumiki. Sakaki and Mayoi learned the hard way.
  • Adaptation Distillation: The anime is condensed into a 13-episode serial. The manga is at least three times that many capacity.
  • Adaptation Explanation Extrication: In Affiliate 4 of the manga, Tsumiki and Mayoi didn't know Io has a job in the Hatch Potch (the store where Sakaki, Hime, and Io works). In the anime, this was never used to explain how Io got his job.
  • Appreciating Gesture to the Head: Io pets and pats Tsumiki most someday she's inside reach. One manga affiliate reveals that most of the fourth dimension he isn't even aware he'south doing it.
  • E'er Second Best: Sakaki's dynamic with Io. He's the only character who actively tries to one-up the resident Parody Stu and they're actually shown to exist evenly matched whenever Sakaki isn't getting horribly maimed.
  • Amusing Injuries: Usually with Sakaki as the target but Mayoi and Io get their turns too.
  • Animate being Motif: Cats. Tsumiki spends one-half her screentime sprouting cat ears, Mayoi has a permanent cat smile, Io seemingly attracts cats, the town they live in (along with the train stations and schools, by extension) has a cat name, fifty-fifty the cakes at Hatch Potch are sometimes true cat-shaped.
  • Arc Welding: The anime tends to merge certain storylines together and condenses a few storylines that are usually related.
  • Fine art Development: The manga's artwork becomes progressively better in each chapter.
  • Badass Adorable / Cute Bruiser: Tsumiki. She tin can throw you into walls, boom through giant snowballs, and even kick your virtual ass in fighting games, and await cute while doing it.
  • Bears Are Bad News: In Episode 10, Mayoi spends a lot of the episode trying to scare people wearing a carry costume.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Tsumiki: Breasts and Io. Don't talk about her chest or tease her about her crush on Io.
    • Io: Nutrient. He will fight seriously for food. He'll fifty-fifty get annoyed if y'all don't eat a balanced diet.
    • Hime: Weight. Only ask Sakaki (onion squirted in eyes) and Mayoi (launched out of the cabin door).
  • Birds of a Feather: Tsumiki with Io share calm, laid-back demeanor. On opposite site Sakaki and Mayoi are both hyperactive and similar to tease others. This fact has been realized openly past others in the team.
  • Bishie Sparkle: Io, someday he says or does something pleasant.
  • Brick Joke: Tsumiki's apply of her superhuman forcefulness and ability, which ends in hilarious results.
  • Dark-brown Bag Mask: In Episode 10, Sakaki puts i on to join deport-suited Mayoi in scaring Kikue-sensei.
  • Butt-Monkey: Sakaki, Mayoi, and Kyouya are all repeatedly injured, beaten, lambasted, thrown through walls, blasted with snow, given cranial protusions, and then forth, especially the first two.
  • Call-Dorsum: During the Domicile Economic science, Mayoi learns that onion juice isn't good for eyes. Afterwards during the Embankment Episode she passes the knowledge on to Sakaki... the obvious way.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Tsumiki towards Io.
  • Cat Girl: Tsumiki oftentimes sprouts cat ears. Also Mayoi to a certain extent with her True cat Smile and verbal -nya.
  • Cat Smile: Mayoi's face has this perpetually.
  • Character Tics:
    • Hime and Tsumiki's nosebleeds.
    • Tsumiki's true cat ears.
    • Io's pencil twirling. He's so badass he tin really deflect snowballs twirling chopsticks or practise information technology with called-for sparkler-type fireworks.
  • Chaste Hero: Io, played completely direct.
  • Chucking Chalk: Kikue-sensei throws a piece of chalk at Io'south caput for twirling his pen at high speeds. Somehow, information technology curves to hit Mayoi instead.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Tsumiki. Moreso in the manga.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Sakaki and Mayoi have very interesting thought processes. Io even lampshades this calling them "Squad Chaos" during Episode 3-A, they take the moniker in stride.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Io and Tsumiki to Sakaki and Mayoi respectively.
  • Clueless Chick Magnet: Io. Sakaki himself in the manga as well to an extent.
  • Cool Big Sis: Miiko Inui, Sakaki'southward elder sister.
  • Covert Pervert: Given how often the girls are prone to nosebleeds. Highlighted in Episode half dozen-B, when all they tin think from the study meet is the odor of Io's shirt.
  • Cute Kitten: Tsumiki can fifty-fifty exist considered this. In addition to Sprouting Ears, she's been demonstrated to meow and terrorize fish with her mere presence.
  • Does Not Know His Own Strength: Tsumiki can occasionally brandish a rather poor grasp on her superhuman strength (compared to the other characters).
  • "Do It Yourself" Theme Tune: All the vocalism actors (generally the main characters) exercise the opening song. Rumi Ookubo does the ending song.
  • Engaging Chat: Io'southward cooking in Episode 3 elicits this reaction from all viewing girls.
  • Epic Fail: Sakaki's endeavor at the "longer your sparkler stays on, the more pop you are" game. His sparkler falls the moment he lights it.
  • Everyone Can Meet Information technology: Tsumiki and Io. When the gang wait through love horoscopes in a magazine and encounter Tsumiki and Io are compatible, they wave information technology off as obvious.
  • Expy:
    • Tsumiki would be Konata from Lucky Star if the latter was a Smitten Teenage Girl and not a total otaku.
    • Hime shares traits with Tsukasa — the friendly advent, the ditzy, feminine personality and the voice talent say then.
  • Centre Scream: Played for Laughs twice, with Kana to Mayoi past accident by spraying her eyes with onions, and Mayoi and Hime spraying Sakaki's eyes when he remarks that girls practise not similar the sound trains brand while driving on the railroad.
  • Failures on Ice: Mayoi makes ii of the biggest in Episode 13: landing on her confront and elbow-slamming Sakaki by accident.
  • Feminine Women Can Melt: Discussed by the girls. Poor Mayoi can't cook though.
  • First-Name Basis: Tsumiki and Io with each other (no honorifics).
  • Flat Character: All of them. Nearly all of the gags play off their exaggerated personalities and traits.
  • Friend to All Living Things:
    • Io, especially to cats.
    • In the Goldfish Scooping Game in Episode 8, goldfish actually jump into Io'due south bowl of their ain volition.
  • Furo Scene: Averted. In Episode 7, Sakaki considers peeking at the girls bathing; lampshading it with his reasoning beingness it often happens in media. Io strongly advises against it.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Mayoi. From repairing room heaters and circulate microphones to building an automatic snowball cannon with its own AI.
  • Gecko Catastrophe: Due to the manga still going on at this bespeak, the anime ends with thirteen episodes.
  • Adept Angel, Bad Angel: Tsumiki has these popular upward (with Hime equally her Angel and Mayoi every bit her Devil) when debating whether to become through Io's stuff.
  • Complimentary English language: Mayoi's Snowball Bazooka delivers status messages and prompts in English. Her speech pattern is full of it also.
  • Groin Attack: By accident from Mayoi to Sakaki on Chapter thirty.
  • Hammerspace: Mayoi somehow takes a lifebuoy out from her overalls in the cabin episode. For some reason.
  • Honest Axe: Io tries this with Sakaki, but fails when the existent one shows up.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl:
    • Io and Tsumiki.
    • Sakaki and Mayoi as well. Guys generally seem to be tall and lanky in this anime while girls of the same age tend to be petite.
  • I Ate WHAT?!: Io and Sakaki do not react well to learning that the chocolate Mayoi gave them independent frog meat.
  • Imagine Spot: Each character has one, but Tsumiki's ever has to do with Io.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills:
    • Io, especially the motel trip episode when he uses sticks to catch fish, thinking it'southward impossible. Cue the fishes floating expressionless in the water.
    • Taken Up to Eleven after on, where he repeatedly snipes mosquitoes with toothpicks.
  • Atomic number 26 Butt-Monkey: Mayoi gets her caput thrown through concrete walls and takes a frisbee to the cervix and gets back up a few seconds after. Sakaki takes two frisbees to the face and gets continually blasted past fireworks both unharmed.
  • Lap Pillow: Tsumiki provides one for a snoozing Io in Episode 7. notation (This is heavily enjoyed by Mayoi, Sakaki, and Hime who takes pictures and gets a nosebleed, respectively.)
  • Lethal Chef: Mayoi. Thankfully, no i tries her one-half-cooked, demon-faced egg mountain.
  • Like Brother and Sister: How Io views Miiko, Sakaki's older sister.
  • Made of Fe: Kana plows through the wooden trap made past Mayoi. Poor Hime isn't.
  • Perchance Ever Later: At this time, the anime's ending doesn't exactly resolve the question of Io and Tsumiki'due south relationship. The manga may take. note The anime consistently portrays Io being closer to Tsumiki (they end most episodes alone with each other, for one thing) than the other girls and the general absence of Character Evolution means that no one else gets closer to him.
  • Moment Killer: Cue Mood Whiplash below when Tsumiki has her moments with Io.
  • Mood Whiplash:
    • Whenever Tsumiki's at the moment, she often goes berserk. The other characters specially do this when Tsumiki's at her moments with Io.
    • Episode 13-A and Chapter xix involve a pitiful moment when Tsumiki fails to give Io her chocolate when information technology's raining, but heartwarmingly, he accepts it anyway. Then he rubs her face mainly for her to not get ill (in the case in the manga, it happened once). Cue Nosebleed.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: Air hockey, snowball fights, boot the can, volleyball, frisbee... pretty much whatsoever game they play.
  • Nosebleed: It'south Bloody Hilarious and Played for Laughs.
    • Hime and Tsumiki shoot fountains and make puddles of blood in response to Io's kind words, deportment, or uncovered body parts.
    • Hime herself gets them when she gets excited, often when she sees a Tsumiki and Io moment.
    • Up to Eleven in Episode 4 where Io'due south statements during their school TV interview crusade all the daughter in class(and presumably other classes) to shoot blood everywhere.
  • Not So Above Information technology All: Io will oftentimes get caught upwardly in whatever contest Sakaki starts, bold they aren't on the same side.
  • Oblivious to Love:
    • Io. Emphasized in Chapter iv when he doesn't know what Miiko (Sakaki'due south older sister) is talking about when she specifically says existence an "Ally to a maiden in dearest".
    • In Episode 11, Tsumiki's expression of care induces a blush and love in Io that he doesn't empathize. Oblivious? Perhaps. Unable to dearest? Definitely not.
    • Kyouya has as much as a poor grasp to romance as Io, but dissimilar Io, Kyouya apparently does not know the meaning to requite gifts to others as opposed to Io. Which is ironic actually. Also lampshaded by Kyouya regarding the field of study.
  • Oh, Crap!: Several things will happen if you tease Tsumiki, or if you unintentionally piss her off, to the point she'll intermission something in half. Literally.
  • Overly Long Gag: The girls' nosebleeds. Particularly in the episodes/chapters involving Tsumiki waking Io up... past nosebleed.
  • Parody Sue: Io's particular graphic symbol trait is being irresistible to girls (and clueless about information technology) and incredibly competent in everything the cast has to do (except technology which is Mayoi'due south field) but it'south usually (and finer) Played for Laughs against Sakaki failing miserably.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Don't allow Tsumiki's summit fool y'all.
  • Pun: Many of the jokes in both versions apply Japanese wordplay, a staple of the yonkoma genre.
  • Red String of Fate: Io and Tsumiki in the main theme - symbolized past a crimson scarf.
  • Roboteching: Sakaki proves to exist a firework magnet. Luckily he's an Iron Butt Monkey.
  • School Festival: Episode 9.
  • Sexy Santa Dress: The ladies certain didn't listen Io in a Santa adjust, during Episode 10.
  • Shipper on Deck: Anybody (including Miiko) towards Tsumiki and Io.
  • Ship Tease: Mayoi does this to Tsumiki all the time. Sakaki does this sometimes besides with Mayoi. Go likewise far, you know what happens next.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Tsumiki pulls a parrying movement against Xia-Li's Super Move, then finishes information technology off with a Shun Goku Satsu Super Movement.
      • This is also a shout-out to Daigo Umehara'southward comeback victory against Justin Wong in EVO 2004.
    • Mayoi'due south snowball launcher is as well one, with its voice and her utilize of "Zenryoku zenkai!". Information technology's quoted once more in Episode five.
    • In Episode five/Chapter 29, Mayoi talks about 300 Spartans who dines in hell (complete with their battlecry).
    • Sakaki refer to the frogs in the school pool as "Sergeants" during Episode 6.
      • He does it again in Episode 12 when he tells Mayoi he'll draw eyes on her buns and call her Sergeant if she put frog in her chocolates again.
    • Episode eight has a bike flying against the moon, along with speaking most aliens.
    • Afterward neko Tsumiki "defeats" Mayomancer (Mayoi as a witch in a shared dream), a victory fanfare suspiciously sounds like the 1 from Last Fantasy.
    • Chapter 41 has a snake hiding inside a cardboard box, Mayoi saying "Search and Destroy", and Sakaki saying "Shall I plough you into a doll?"
  • Shrinking Violet: Hime, but not painfully shy, but more into not get into situations her friends put her through.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Tsumiki for Io. Io for Tsumiki.
  • Slapstick Knows No Gender: Mayoi is always on the receiving end of bad things.
  • Source Music: In Episode eight of the anime Io plays the soundtrack for 1 scene transition on a keyboard while falling comatose.
  • Spin to Deflect Stuff: Io could deflect snowballs by twirling chopsticks. Tsumiki tin can do the same with a simple towel.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Mayoi hypothesizes this regarding Tsumiki'due south morning run-ins was systematic to run across with Io. She's expressionless on.
  • Super Forcefulness: Tsumiki, in Episode iii, is able to elevator an enormous snowball, and throw it at least several anxiety into the air. She tin also throw people through concrete, blast clean holes through giant snowballs, and pounce similar a true cat afterward a considerable jump.
  • Token Mini-Moe: Tsumiki is by far the shortest character.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The characters tend to discuss a lot the fact that Hime (whose name means "princess") is very feminine and acts cutely, while Mayoi is the exact opposite. Interestingly enough, they are both mediated by Tsumiki who has both girlish and boyish qualifies.
  • Touch on of Decease: Despite Sakaki'due south Fe Butt Monkey status, Io can disable him with a low-cal tap. Withal, this may be due to Minor Injury Overreaction by the former.
  • Tsundere:
    • Tsumiki, who's both types. It fifty-fifty gets lampshaded when she utters an archetypal tsundere line in Episode ane. It'south fifty-fifty flat-out stated in the manga. In add-on, Tsumiki becomes Type A whenever being teased by Io or embarassed.
    • Even Kyouya has his tsundere moment in Episode 12.
  • Unwanted Harem: Io, however since he's completely Oblivious to Love in this regard, he wouldn't notice. And Tsumiki goes Clingy Jealous Daughter way when girls are thinking almost him, touching him, or considering going out with him.
  • Verbal Tic: Interestingly used. Tsumiki has a recurring true cat motif but hardly ever uses cat onomatopoeia when information technology's not beingness invoked. Mayoi on the other mitt tends to throw a 'Nya' into every other judgement.
  • When She Smiles:
    • Io, and it'due south near deadly to Tsumiki and Hime. Complete with Bishie Sparkle.
    • Non even Mayoi is immune. Io'due south caring grinning and occasional charming words cause surface area-of-effect nosebleeds.
  • Would Hitting a Daughter:
    • Io, of all people, did this to Mayoi, when she got distracted past video games during their study session in Io's room. Io is shown to be clearly irked afterwards.
    • He too pinches Mayoi'south cheeks in irritation when she admits that she was non able to bring her notes. Justified in the fact that the whole idea to have a study session in Io'south room was all Mayoi'southward idea.
    • Also shown to pinch Mayoi'south cheeks when she lifts up his shirt to "sneak assail" Tsumiki and Hime in Episode 7.


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