
Is It Normal For A 15 Year Old Boy To Still Sleep With A Stuffed Animal

Is seven Years Quondam As well Old for Sleeping with Stuffed Animals?

Updated on July 03, 2011

T.C. asks from Birmingham, AL

48 answers

My seven year old son has a collection of stuffed animals and he feels as though he NEEDS to slumber with 1 evry night. He used to sleep with a bed full and then I took it down to 1. He will be eight very presently. What do you guys think?

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Give thanks you guys sooooo much for your responses. I totally hold with all of you. I estimate I'thousand just over reacting, because I certainly don't want to rush him to grow up likewise fast. In fact that is the concluding affair that I desire. He'southward keeping them as long as he wants. Cheers for helping me to expect at things in a dissimilar perspective.

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answers from Dallas on

What? No. He's still then trivial. Who cares if he wants to sleep with a toy??? My daughter is nigh x and still sleeps with her webkinz. Not a business of mine. My sister in law nonetheless sleeps with hers and she's 28.

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answers from Honolulu on


I have a seven twelvemonth onetime. She does that also. Its fine... I did that too as a kid.
Do not make him feel weird about information technology.
It is childhood.
It is memories.
It is fine.
Goose egg wrong with it.

all the best,

5 moms establish this helpful



answers from Hartford on

I don't call back he is likewise erstwhile. My son is well-nigh viii and still has a lot of them. Some are special that he sleeps with. We accept had more than so a few sleepovers and every kid has always brought one besides.

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answers from Detroit on

I am happy to see that all of the responses are "NO", don't get rid of the stuffed animal(s). He is however and so young and unfortunately, we alive in a social club that tries to grows up our boys too fast... and it has devastating effects on them (read Real Boys... very interesting). Anyway, look at it this way... yous get rid of his stuffed animal, he feels scared, or insecure, and he volition quickly acquire that information technology is not okay to have these feelings (normal feelings), then volition be ashamed every time he does, then will replace those feelings with anger or attempt to numb his feelings in some really unhealthy ways as well. I am sure you take groovy intentions, yet I really believe strongly that you will be doing your son a disservice if you strength him through this stage. He will be pressured enough to exist a "homo" way to before long... he doesn't need that pressure from you lot.

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answers from Provo on

Ummmmm. . .if he is getting a good night sleep, what's the point? I slept with a stuffed animal until my son was born. (i'm a single mom and I missed sleeping with my ex). Why do you recall he needs to pass this phase? He'll grow out of it when HE wants to.

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answers from Johnstown on

Ummmm is thirty+ too old for sleeping with blimp animals?

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Due south.P.

answers from Los Angeles on

I slept with a blimp animal through high school and college.
What's the trouble?

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answers from Des Moines on

Gosh no!!!! I went into surgery at the historic period of 20 with a stuffed animal. Why do you think he should get rid of them? I don't think it is going to do any impairment to him if he continues to sleep with one; information technology is security for him. My bigger concen would be if you have information technology away...and so he volition loose that security and what reaction will you get and so??? He could regress and start wetting the bed, coming in to slumber with you, have nightmare, be agape of the dark....the repercussions (sp?) are endless. If he wants information technology, let him have it, eventually he will grow out of it.

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answers from Dallas on

NO, non to onetime at all!

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answers from Topeka on

Nope, permit him sleep with them. I slept with a mountain of bears until I left for higher. Even then I brought my favorite teddy bear with me. I no longer sleep with bears... so I seriously doubt he will sleep with them for the rest of his life.

Also my x year old was just like your son. He had to accept a 1000000 and one bears in his bed. Hither recently I guess he felt the need to put them away.. fifty-fifty his beloved ane. They are all stuffed in his closet.

He will outgrow it himself. I would not force information technology on him.

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answers from Atlanta on

NO! Enough of adults slumber with blimp animals! He's comforted by them and he's just a petty boy -enjoy it while yous can! I'yard sorry, I simply tin't imagine why you would want to be done with something and so sweetness.

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answers from Washington DC on

No, don't rush him, he is a little male child and at that place is nothing strange near information technology at all. And really, even if he was unusual (which he is not), who cares?

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answers from Eugene on

I'k 29 and nevertheless sleep with my blanket--in fact I took it to the hospital with me when I had my son. It'southward nice to have something familiar to slumber with!

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answers from Dallas on

If the blimp animal makes him feel secure at night then allow him have it. Its kinda like when your husband is adjacent to you sleeping and it gives you a condom, secure feeling. He may feel a little alone at night and this helps.

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answers from Portland on

I still have teddy bears from when I was a child...I don't sleep with them but I commonly hug a pillow if my married man isn't in the bed. I don't see anything incorrect with having a stuffy in bed.

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answers from Dallas on

I have never been too former to sleep with blimp animals... I am 70 years erstwhile..



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answers from Augusta on

nope , my 8 yr old almost nine year old sleeps with a whole bed full of them, and I my cocky slumber with one when hubby is gone, just helps me sleep improve.

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answers from Austin on

heck no!LOL! Im 24 and I still need a stuffed brute (or pillow, or hubby) to wrap my arms around and cuddle while I slumber. I tin't sleep without holding on to SOMETHING... As long every bit he'due south ok with sleeping with just one I would let it be. :)

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answers from Kansas City on

I recollect, who cares?! He'south only seven! Let him be a piffling child. I would let my kid sleep with as many animals as he wanted. I don't meet why this is a big outcome with you.

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answers from New York on

My son is viii and does the same affair. He has one deport that he sleeps with every night that my parents gave to him. I did the same matter when I was that age and eventually stopped when I was a tweener.

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answers from Seattle on

I think that my son still sleeps with all his buddies and information technology doesn't carp me at all! He has about 10-15 that are in bed with him all the time. I don't feel the need to make him grow upwards any faster than he already is, he only turned 8.

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answers from Columbus on

I think it'due south fine for him to accept stuffed animals upwardly to whatever age. I sometimes hug a pillow at night, which is kind of similar a stuffed brute :)

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answers from Washington DC on

I retrieve....what'due south the event hither? It'southward totally okay for them to even so be sleeping with stuffed animals at this age. I know I ever did. Shoot, I even had a few no one knew about into my teen years. Null incorrect with that. Let them be kids.

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answers from San Diego on

My 9 going on 10 yr old son withal has and then many on his bed we have to brand him have some off to make room for himself sometimes. I'm almost 40 and yet sleep with my teddy :)

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answers from Eugene on

I slept with my stuffed animals until I was in college--I really brought one with me. No maturity issues at all--I just liked them. He'southward fine. They are cuddly. Nobody actually likes to sleep alone, exercise they?


answers from Kansas Metropolis on

i think he is fine. I am 25 and i nevertheless sleep with a stuffed animal. Why? because its comfortable! i like to position my arms and head a certain way when i sleep that a pillow just doesnt work with. Putting my artillery effectually a stuffed fauna helps position my arms then i dont get cramps in them and leaning my cheek on it and my head on the pillow helps back up my cervix. its simply comfortable!


answers from Houston on

My girl has two rabbits, both named emma, they were given to her on ii split easters, she sleeps with them every night. I never gave information technology a second thought.



answers from Detroit on

My stepson had his Teddy to sleep with him until he was around 12 or 13 - his parents divorced when he was 4, and so I don't know if that had something to practice with it (his brother likewise had a favorite stuffed toy for sleeping simply gave it up effectually 8 or 9). For a long time Teddy had to go everywhere nosotros went, but at least we were able to convince him to let Teddy stay in the auto (telling him that really, Teddy will be prophylactic that way and not go lost). Ane of the daughters of friends of ours is xiii and still has her infant quilt that she sleeps with. Information technology had been re-sewn and patched upwards several times, and finally reached a point where it was beyond repair. And so now information technology is all bundled upwardly with rubber bands and she calls it her "rag nugget".

I asked my cousin one time, who raised 4 boys, how long they should exist allowed to sleep with their security objects and she replied, "Every bit long as they want to!" At present I have a trivial 3 yo girl of my own who has her own pink teddy deport and function of me hopes she will never give information technology up! She too has several more stuffed animals in her bed that tend to rotate in and out - sometimes she randomly decides she needs a certain other bear, or her sock monkey, or Elmo, or any to be part of the rotation. Mayhap she thinks of them as an army of friends that proceed monsters abroad. :)



answers from Kansas Metropolis on

I plough 30 in December and nevertheless occasionally sleep with my blimp tiger. It's just a comfort thing.



answers from Las Vegas on

My 7-year old son likes sleeping with his blimp tiger, elephant or otter every nighttime. I don't programme on stopping it anytime soon. Equally far as I am concerned, information technology gives him comfort and who cares if he sleeps with a stuffed animal when he is 7 or 17. When he is 27 and set up to go married, and so that volition be a different affair merely I suspect that he will drop the stuffed animate being addiction on his ain well earlier he reaches machismo.



answers from Seattle on

I still have a stuffed dog that I sleep with... He only leaves the bed when my daughter wants to sleep with "Mommy's doggy." I don't see a darn thing incorrect with it!


answers from Fresno on

I haven't read your other answers, but I think this is so normal. My daughter and her (boy) cousin are both turning 8 soon, and they both sleep with tons of blimp animals. Information technology drives me nuts because my daughter has to totally detach her bed in order to make the bed in the morning (because the stuffed animals seem to get shoved way under the covers all over the bed). But any, if information technology helps them feel safe at nighttime, then I guess we will just deal with information technology, huh? ; )



answers from Philadelphia on

Y'all know that scene in E.T. where they hide ET in all the blimp animals in the closet so the mom doesn't notice him? That'south my girl in her bed - I swear, sometimes I can't observe her considering she's so surrounded by those things! I have no problem with it, she sleeps very well and is a perfectly well-adjusted child. Plus she looks so cute huddled in all that furry plushness!



answers from Birmingham on

Information technology's never too late to sleep with what ever you lot love. Some of us like a fluffy pillow, very plush comforter, flannel sheets and/or stuffed animals .. the list of what makes us happy could continue and on. That would be "ane of the battles" that you don't carp to fight with him. Let him snuggle with whatever helps him to get a skillful night of rest and you can but grinning when you see him expressing his affection. Honestly, I recall it is showing you that he is very full of love and will be such a dandy guy the older he gets.



answers from Tulsa on

Your child is fulfilling a very natural need to want something to caress with at night. Would you lot rather take him in bed with yous? I had a favourite teddy I slept with until I replaced him with my husband! :) Oviously I didn't accept him with me to sleepovers or tell my friends I still slept with a Teddy! Lesser line, if the behaviour isn't hurting anyone, why are you concerned? Believe me, he'll requite it up as shortly as he's gear up, as long as yous don't make a fuss almost it and NEVER "shame" him past saying things like "big boys don't sleep with toys"! Most "big boys" don't sleep alone either!



answers from Chicago on

My older son STARTED sleeping with blimp animals at 7, we were pleased because he ignored them until so... I think it is fine, kid needs transitional objects. Just do not take them away, please.



answers from Cincinnati on

I gave upwardly my teddy when I moved in with my husband and in that location wasn't room for her in the bed. ^_^



answers from Dallas on

There is no set age for sleeping with stuffed animals. The question is at that place an underlying fear associated with not sleeping with the stuffed animal. I believe this needs to be address. If there is no fright, only likes the cozy feeling, than he will grow out of it at his own pace.



answers from San Francisco on

No, information technology's not too old.



answers from Tampa on

I slept with my blimp dog up until recently when he accidentally got tangled upwards in the sheets and went through the wash (which he'south MUCH besides fragile for).


answers from Norfolk on

I have a minor behave I slumber with. Information technology doesn't bother my husband - he bought him for me. I'm 48. I don't fume, potable, adventure or sleep effectually. If sleeping with a stuffed animate being is the worst vice I have, at least information technology's harmless.


answers from Kansas City on

thanks for reconsidering! this is so non a battle needing fought. let him be. good job mom!



answers from Chicago on

Information technology's completely fine! I wouldn't worry. It'south just a comfort thing for him.



answers from Hartford on

I know you lot already figured it out but I wanted to add, west/o reading your answers that I am 31 and when my grandma died I dragged out the panthera leo my dad bought me when I was born and snuggled on the sofa w/ information technology.....not something I do all the time that was the final time I have washed that in about four years but you get my point



answers from Oklahoma City on

At that place is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a 7 year quondam sleeping with stuffed animals!


answers from Minneapolis on

I still have a modest collection of blimp animals and my babe blanket. I don't sleep with all of them every night, just I do choose 1 to sleep with each night. On nights that I sleep over at my boyfriend's business firm he always laughs at me when I pull out my blanket or stuffed fauna, but equally long every bit I cuddle with him besides he doesn't mind. Lol.



answers from Fort Smith on

My son is 12 and nevertheless has a teddy bear he sleeps with, unless he's spending the night with a friend or having a friend over. He's a completely normal, A-student, plenty of friends, healthy and active 7th grader. He's just attached to this detail teddy bear. I say, if it helps him slumber then exit him solitary. Just make certain the animal is done regularly, like each time the sheets are washed.



answers from Dayton on

35% of adults all the same sleep with stuffed animals and other comfort items. It is human being nature to want a companion.


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